April 7 — Tour the historic E & K (Engels & Krudwig) Winery
This MEMBERS ONLY event was a huge success. We toured the building and explored the many rooms that have been preserved. We also got to see part of the basement. After the tour we removed to the Bait House Brewery. You can find out more about this tour and the history of Wineries and Breweries HERE.
June 22 2019 – We took “A Walk Through History On Wayne Street”
Ed Stout, the Site Manager of the Cooke Dorn House, lead a group of 75 people on”A Walk Through History on Wayne St.” on Saturday, June 22nd. The tour started at the limestone homes that Eleutheros Cooke built in 1827 and 1835 at 410-414 Columbus Avenue across from the Sandusky Library and ended at the Follett House at the SE corner of E. Adams and Wayne St.
Ed did a wonderful job pointing out unusual aspects of each house and sharing a history of the people who lived there.
We hope he decides to do another one.
Many of these houses are on the tour or are located nearby. This is one of Sandusky’s most historic streets and you will be regaled with stories about the history of some of the largest, most extravagant houses in Sandusky. This is the first time we offered this tour.

July 17 – Walking Tour of Underground Railroad sites in Sandusky. Yes! We brought it back – The crowd was so large that we had to break it up into two groups! About 70 people attended this tour. You missed it? You can take most of the tour online HERE.

This tour started at the Mylander Plaza in downtown Sandusky and was by led by Lou Schultz who stepped in at the last minute for John Lippus It included stops at some of Sandusky’s most famous old buildings. You can also find out more about East Water Street (and West Water Street) on our website by clicking HERE. This was a new tour added because so many people requested it. Space was limited. Lou spent a few minutes giving an overview of Water Street and the original railroad line where the “new” Shoreline Drive is now.
SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 – “Walk in the Water tour” of downtown Sandusky Bay’s lake front
What a success. This was a leisurely cruise along Sandusky Bay’s waterfront. We dis covered the history of the various industries, buildings, and the people who made it all happen. This special cruise, on the Goodtime I (Thus, the Walk in the Water tour), went off perfectly. There was appetizers, a cash bar, 50/50 drawing, waterfront trivia, prizes and other activities. Did we mention one magnificent sunset? Mother Nature really delivered. Our tour guide was Jim Miller, recognized as the leading expert on Sandusky’s maritime history who did a great job of adding a little humor into what turned out to be a really interesting presentation. This was a once in a lifetime cruise! However, since everyone enjoyed themselves so much – we just might do it again.
November 17 – Annual Meeting & Banquet at the Sandusky Yacht Club
We started with a social hour, moved to a short meeting, and feasted on a magnificent buffet – salad, rolls, shrimp scampi, veggie pasta, carved top sirloin, roasted redskin potatoes, green beans almondine and the Sandusky Yacht Club’s famous warm bread pudding.
After dinner, Leslie Korenko, author of six books about the Island, presented a program about the early history of Kelleys Island. There were lots of questions. We held our first Silent Auction this year. We have loads of pictures HERE.