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Fort Sandusky


FORT SANDUSKYCedar Point built a replica of the fort at Frontier Land. Pretty Cool; however Touring Ohio says: It should be noted that this only an interpretation of what an Ohio Country fortification looked like. It in fact has very little in common with any frontier fortification other than picketed logs. None of Ohio's fortifications [...]

Fort Sandusky2025-02-28T15:46:03-05:00

Bicentennial Rose Garden


Sandusky Jaycees Bicentennial Rose GardenDonated to our city July 2, 1976Since the original rose garden has been significantly reduced, the Erie County Historical Society is working with the City of Sandusky to create a simpler descriptive sign for this location. Sandusky City manager Frank A. Link (with shovel) and Jaycee Yvan Cote (kneeling) turn [...]

Bicentennial Rose Garden2025-01-27T15:00:05-05:00

Kelleys Island Quarry


WHAT IS THAT BIG BUILDING AT THE STATE PARK? It was the North Side quarry crusher, part of the extensive quarry operation of the Kelleys Island Lime & Transport Co.This was the North Side crusher building back in the day. The small building on the left was the Locomotive House, the large building on the [...]

Kelleys Island Quarry2024-10-04T10:51:09-04:00

Underground Railroad continued


Geography, demographics, and a rapidly developing transportation system precipitated Ohio’s prominent role within the Underground Railroad. Ohio’s southern river boundary of 451 miles established the longest natural boundary between free and slave soil. Once the river was crossed freedom seekers funneled to lake port cities such as Cleveland and Sandusky, no farther than 250 miles [...]

Underground Railroad continued2024-02-10T11:43:42-05:00

Cholera Cemetery


Adams and Harrison Streets

Like many other 19th century communities, Sandusky was not immune to epidemics of contagious diseases that occurred during this era. Unsanitary conditions were common in cities and other urban areas due to both a lack of sewer systems and limited access to pure clean water. Continue Reading >
Cholera Cemetery2023-07-22T13:55:18-04:00

August H. Moss House


428 Wayne Street

August Moss was a prosperous banker and merchant who lived in this grandiose mansion built for him in 1842, residing near prominent Sanduskians such as Oran Follett, Lester Hubbard, and his brother J. O. Moss. Continue Reading >
August H. Moss House2023-07-22T13:58:19-04:00

Beatty Church


SE Corner of Washington and Jackson Streets

A person looking in a south easterly direction from the northeast corner of Jackson and West Washington St. anytime during the latter half of the 19th century would have seen the old Beatty Church which stood just northwest of the courthouse. Continue Reading >
Beatty Church2023-07-22T14:19:06-04:00

Biemiller Building


121 - 125 East Water Street

Andrew Biemiller built the Italianate style structure in 1866 to accommodate the German Turnverein Association, a German organization that promoted gymnastics and athletics, as well as the study of the German language. Continue Reading >
Biemiller Building2024-06-03T14:36:39-04:00
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