Boeckling Building And Cedar Point Pier - Erie County Ohio Historical Society


The pier on the east side (right side) of what is now known as the Jackson Street Pier has always been known as the Cedar Point Pier.

In the 1980’s, the G. A. Boeckling underwent a restoration project, particularly on the upper deck. Here are some photos we recently discovered. 

In 1928, George Boeckling constructed a winter office in front of the Cedar Point Pier (103 – 105 West Shoreline Drive). The building is loosely amusement park in style (arches, cupola, and ornamental) with a strong Spanish motif. The building has a red roof and a large cupola. Other design elements include double eave brackets along the roof line and aquatic symbols carved in the window keystones.

Cedar Point no longer uses the building for administration and has leased it to a variety of tenants over the years. Currently, it is occupied by Coastal Resources, Ohio Department of Natural Resources.


Starting in the 1870s, the various boats carried guests to Cedar Point and then back to Sandusky. Over the decades a number of boats have used the pier. The most famous—and beloved by Sanduskians—was the steamer G. A. Boeckling. Built exclusively for the Cedar Point run, the G. A. Boeckling (named for the owner of Cedar Point, George Boeckling) was a steel steamer built for capacity (up to 2,000 passengers) and capable of steaming in both directions to eliminate the need for turning around in the bay. The boat was christened in 1909 and operated for nearly 40 years. Its massive steam engine, located amidships, was open for viewing by passengers. In 1953, the G. A. Boeckling was sold to a Wisconsin company and used as a floating warehouse. In 1983, a group of Sandusky-area residents purchased the boat and returned it to Sandusky amid much fanfare. Unfortunately, in 1989 it was destroyed by fire while undergoing restoration in Toledo. More on this boat can be found on the Library blogspot.

Cedar Point Marker - Erie County Ohio Historical Society

Clearly visible across Sandusky Bay at the tip of the Cedar Point Peninsula is Cedar Point Amusement Park and Resort, one of the largest amusement parks in the world. In continuous operation since the summer of 1870, when the small steamer Young Reindeer began carrying local residents to the peninsula to swim and picnic, it is the second oldest amusement park in the United States.

Cedar Point draws millions of guests annually. It is the thrill ride and roller coaster capital of the world, as the skyline attests. In addition to its coaster lineup and other amusement park attractions, it also is a resort with two hotels, a campground, marina, water park, and a beautiful nearly one mile-long beach.